Alfresco serves consistently delicious Italian food, always a kid-pleaser, and it's reasonably priced, with the most expensive dish around $15. We used to get the seafood bruschetta every time we came until we got thoroughly sick of it. The restaurant is small and has no kid amenities beyond high chairs, but that block of Highland Ave has plenty to interest small kids, including When Pigs Fly bakery for fresh bread, the Dairy Bar for fresh, local goods (milk in glass bottles!), and Kick*ss Cupcakes for dessert. So we order, then one of us takes the kids for a walk. The food comes, we sit the kids down to eat, and when they're done, the other of us takes them for another walk. It works out nicely.
A few days ago, with our kitchen faucet broken and no running water in the kitchen, we threw our hands up and went out to Alfresco for dinner. There, we got not only great food but, hands down, the best, most kid-friendly service we've ever experienced. It was amazing.
First, since the restaurant was nearly empty when we arrived, the waitress who met us let the kids pick their table. There were two waitresses who served us more or less equally and worked very well as a team. We ordered our drinks, and they brought milk in a take-out coffee cup with a straw for our two-year-old, a pretty common trick that most restaurants use.
While my husband took the kids for a potty break, I ordered: tortellini with prosciutto for my husband, porcini ravioli for myself, fettucine alfredo for the girls to split, and an Alfresco Salad, which was listed as an assortment of grilled vegetables, for all of us to share.
A waitress brought out sliced bread with a dish of olive oil, a dish of spicy red pepper aioli, and a dish of grated parmesan cheese. Our kids dug into this gleefully, dipping in the olive oil, then the parmesan, spreading both liberally over the table. Our two-year-old tried the aioli, burst into tears, and kept on eating it because even with the spiciness, it was delicious.
As they were demolishing the bread, our salad arrived, and here's my one gripe: it was the wrong salad. Instead of grilled vegetables, we got a warm spinach salad. This turned out to be utterly delicious. The spinach was layered with sauteed mushrooms, topped with crispy bits of prosciutto, and ringed with fresh feta-like cheese and slices of tomato, all dressed in a balsamic vinegrette. Our two-year-old claimed half the tomatoes, and my husband and I ate the rest with glee.
And then the waitresses arrived to clear the table for our entrees. To our complete astonishment and delight, they didn't just take away the empty plates. They removed the now-empty breadbasket and the accompanying dishes, and they CLEANED THE TABLE. All of it, the dribbles of olive oil and spatters of parmesan and crusts and general kid-generated clutter, so that we had a clean table when the food came.
And that brought another surprise. Rather than bringing us the fettucine alfredo and two small plates for the girls, they actually served it in two small bowls, half for each, which meant that we could all immediately dig into our dinners. This tiny detail was so thoughtful and lovely that it was sad that the thermal heat of the pasta undid it - we had to spoon off some of the noodles to cool enough for the girls to eat.
And then they brought another breadbasket with olive oil and parmesan, no aioli, for the girls. Quick studies, these women.
After one bite each, my husband and I promptly traded our dishes. I love mushrooms, but I'm not thrilled with cream sauce, and he loves tortellini and prosciutto but not tomato sauce. The trade fixed this problem admirably. The creamy tomato sauce on the tortellini was heavenly, and after I had finished the pasta, I kept snitching bread from the girls to sop up the remaining sauce. My husband expressed similar satisfaction with the cream sauce on his ravioli in contented monosyllables.
We polished off our dishes, but even after dividing the fettucine, there was still enough left over to feed the girls the next day. They wrapped it up for us, along with the remaining bread, while my husband and the girls meandered down the block for cupcakes. When the check came, I gave them a 25% tip and wrote under it, "Best Service Ever." I meant it. Never, in the five years since my first daughter was born, have I experienced the caliber of service that these two women provided us. Perhaps the fact that one of them was pregnant helped.
I urge you to try this restaurant. The food is excellent, the neighborhood is fun, and you'll leave relaxed and happy, a rarity when dining out with children.
EDIT: Restaurant ratings:
3 smileys for fabulous service
3 carrots for healthy food

1 moo for low price